10 Jul Remy
Remy T, Bubba T, Little T, Sheriff T, Bubba Ganoush…… the many names enjoyed and given to the love of our lives over the years.
Your infectious puggle smile, your warm cuddles, and insatiable love for baby carrots. Your ability to recognize when your sister Coco was getting into something she shouldn’t, and you putting on your Sheriff T badge to let us know.
You were my best friend, and you truly changed the lives of your papa, mama, and anyone that was lucky enough to meet you.
Now you can run free in the green grass. We will see you again. Until then….not a day will go by without you in our hearts, and thoughts. We miss, and love you always Remy.
Kaili Sholty
Posted at 22:30h, 13 JulyRemington T, the little matriarch of the pack. Oh such a sweet smile you had. The cute way the corners of your mouth would sometimes curl in changing your facial features.
I will always remember your love of “Bounce for Remy T” with your Papa. Especially the time you had a pair of the boys socks on. So fortunate to have shared so many great memories as a family together.
Wherever you are you will always be in our hearts.
Miss you everyday ♥️
Chris Marcia
Posted at 13:55h, 13 JulyIt’s very heartwarming, and quite touching to read all of the lovely comments everyone has made about my little girl. I’m so glad you all got to know her, even if it was only a few times. Thanks for all the kind words.
Emily Sissons
Posted at 20:47h, 10 JulyShe was such a beautiful princess puppy! God bless Remy 🌸🌸
Paul Saulnier
Posted at 18:32h, 10 JulyRemy, you were the cutest puggle I’ have ever met! I enjoyed you as a roommate for 8 months, feeding you baby carrots until you almost burst, then taking you for a walk and picked them back up. Rest In Peace Remy ❤️
Amanda Bell
Posted at 18:27h, 10 JulyRest In Peace and Run Pain Free. You were so loved in this life and forever more. Watch over your Mama, Papa and your sister Coco.
Say his to Bear, Yogi Bear, Oscar and Maggie for us ❤️❤️❤️
Paul Saulnier
Posted at 18:24h, 10 JulyRemy you were the cutest puggle I’ve ever met, I enjoyed you for 8 months as a roommate. Going for walks and feeding you baby carrots until you almost burst. With much love RIP ❤️
Christina Inden
Posted at 18:01h, 10 JulyAnd God said I send you without wings so nobody suspect that you were and ANGEL and always will be , you will be loved forever in our hearts 🙏 ❤️
Lindsay Bergan Mustoe
Posted at 17:23h, 10 JulySweet remy. Such a beautiful girl. You will be missed dearly.
❤️Auntie lindsay and Reese.
Landon Marcia
Posted at 15:03h, 10 JulySweet Remy T….Always had a smile from ear to ear. You were loved unconditionally and in return your love blessed others who got to know you. You will never be forgotten. RIP 💕
Fred Marcia
Posted at 13:59h, 10 JulyRemy it seemed you always had a smile and you really knew unconditional love. You were a great puppy and we loved you.
Papa Fred and nana pam
Posted at 13:23h, 10 JulyMy Beautiful Girl.
You are one in a million. You are what’s good in this world. To have made you happy was was the best gift ever. I’m always with you.
Run free with all your friends. .
I will think of you everyday. My sunshine bear.
Love your mama bear. 💗