


On September 21, 2020 we held you in our arms, told you once again how much we loved you and tearfully said our good-byes. Your diagnosis of Protein Losing Neuropathy had taken it’s final toil on your kidneys. We were heartbroken.

We loved and appreciated every day we had with you from that very first day twelve years ago. You were the runt of your litter and so tiny. We laughed each time you walked under the bottom shelf of the coffee table and under the couch. You continued your love of walking under the furniture and fluffing the carpet for a nap. Belly rubs, walks, spending time in my flower bed, car and boat rides were some of your favourite things. As soon as you seen the picnic being packed you would be waiting at the door to go for a boat ride. You looked so cute in your pink life jacket and were quite happy to be sitting with the captain! Meal prep will never be the same without you. You could be outside playing but somehow hear me get the salad spinner out. You would come running and patiently wait for the cucumbers and carrots. With your sensitive tummy we had to limit what you could eat.

In 2011 we decided you should have a little sister. On the drive home you let Molly the Scotty know that you were the boss! What we didn’t know at the time was Molly would become your most fierce protector. No harm would ever come to her dear Maggie. Molly was there to protect you and support you including dreaded bath time. She would sit patiently under the laundry sink to be sure your bath went well. On our walks and visits to the boarding kennel Molly made it very clear no dogs were to touch you. Molly also sensed your decline and graciously allowed you to take over her favourite spot to nap. She would lay close by to comfort you. We made sure Molly was at your side during your final moments.

There are so many more memories we could share about you Maggie. You brought such joy to our lives, fought courageously and hung on as long as you could. Bedtime will never be the same without your soft breathing coming from the pillow above our heads. Rest easy our dear Maggie.

  • Nancy Samson
    Posted at 04:49h, 12 October Reply

    So sorry to hear of your loss. These times are never easy but your memories are held close to cheer you through. It is a lovely tribute.

  • Yvonne Todgham
    Posted at 15:11h, 04 October Reply

    We are so sorry to hear Maggie pass away. We know how much you both love her. Maggie knows she bless to have you both who loved her. Maggie will part of your life story forever.

  • Trish Irving
    Posted at 05:26h, 03 October Reply

    Oh my goodness guys what a beautiful tribute to Maggie, made me tear up. Maggie definitely was a spoiled girl, who had a life not just d9gs but humans would want to have. She was a sweetheart that brought laughs to us as well when she was a tiny little one. I remember when you guys were getting Molly and the name Ricky and Coltan thought would be a perfect name for Maggie’s new sis( haha). It was so sweet that Maggie had you all there when she finished her time here and started her next journey.
    Love you all, thinking of you guys and sending hugs

  • Jennifer Malcolm
    Posted at 20:40h, 02 October Reply

    So very sorry for your loss. Heartbreaking. What a lovely tribute to Maggie. RIP sweet Maggie.

  • Gullon
    Posted at 15:58h, 02 October Reply

    I’m sure Maggie and Sadie are having a great time.
    Harvey & Jan

  • Paul Cameron
    Posted at 15:48h, 02 October Reply

    It’s hard to say good by to our little buddies. Sorry to hear about losing Maggie

  • Michele B
    Posted at 15:39h, 02 October Reply

    May fond memories of your dear Maggie help to heal your hearts. Sending warm hugs and my deepest sympathy.

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