19 Mar Wiggles
March 16, 2004 – Feb 5, 2021
Our sweet little Wiggles how we miss you so. You would have been 17 today and you almost got there but your little heart just couldn’t keep up anymore. It’s been just over a month since you took your journey over that rainbow bridge and its taken me till today to be able to write this. We still wait for you to come in the kitchen when dinner is cooking…you could be in the complete opposite end of the house but you always knew the moment food was out. We still look for you to get tangled up in our feet like you used to do when we are cooking. We miss having you come to the side of the couch for your nightly back scratch. We miss hearing you play with your pink squeaky ball.
You truly were the BEST DOG EVER! You were with us through so many of life’s moments and you were always by our side! Your pups Jojo and Mini continue to search around the house wondering where you’ve gone. We’ve all cried so many tears but we know you are in a much better place now and back to your best feeling self. You have left your tiny little paw prints in our hearts and minds forever! We love you our little Wigs! 💜🐾
Cindy Wong
Posted at 16:59h, 19 MarchI’m so sorry for your loss. Wigs will be missed. I have some very found memories with the lovable Wigs.