


Taco made a pact with us when he was young that he would stay with us longer than any of our other dogs. We lost our previous dogs; Ochre, Macduff and Smitty at 9.5 years. Taco offered a paw and we shook on the deal. He was as good as his word, He left us three weeks shy of his 12th birthday.

My boy was big, black and beautiful. We spent many days hiking the Okanagan park trails in all kinds of weather. He caused more than a few people to scream bear! or wolf! when they came around a corner and saw him coming. He was, however, all German Shepherd, He had the intelligence and dignity of the breed and was 90% angel and 10% devil depending on the situation. I always felt protected with him by my side.

Safe travels Taco, you are free now to run like the wind wherever you wish to go, but come and visit if you can.

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