22 Aug Sampson
Sampson (aka Sammy), was the kind of German Shepherd Dog you could only dream about having. Seven years ago, when he came into our pack from another owner, we thought we’d won the lottery. He was so at home with us and our routines, it seemed like he’d been with us forever. He loved his red squeaky ball (the one with dimples on it) and wherever he was, so was his red ball. Sammy and his red ball quickly made their presence known to the local squirrels who had to learn when it was safe to go through our backyard. He loved sitting on our deck and knew when it was time to chase them down and along with getting spoiled by getting to snooze with us in bed occasionally just made his life all that much sweeter. He was a gentle soul with a very kind face and a personality that won everyone over as soon as they met him.
When we decided to add another member to our pack, Sammy assumed the role of pack leader and Bella (who also came from another owner), soon came to realize he was in charge and with Sammy’s examples, she became an amazing Sheppy Girl. She looked up to him for everything and I think he just loved the attention and of course, being in charge. They bonded and became close as the years have passed and when we made the move to live in the North Okanagan, they both travelled like seasoned pros and always enjoyed the dog-friendly hotels that we stayed in along the way.
Getting used to life here in the North Okanagan was no problem for Sammy and other than the lack of squirrels to chase, as he was getting more mature, he was quite happy just chilling on the deck and barking at anyone who went by who he felt needed some warning that he and Bella where on duty. Losing him so unexpectedly was heartbreaking but we know he didn’t suffer and is now in a wonderful place where he’s looking for a squirrel to chase and holding a red ball in his mouth…that’s Sammy’s way to live.
We’ll miss you my Sheppy Boy – thanks for being the best Sheppy anyone could ever ask for – we will miss you my boy.
Posted at 14:28h, 07 SeptemberThanks Don. I know Sammy and Bella always enjoyed meeting you guys and the Deer Hounds. It was an entertaining and enjoyable time. And planting a tree in Sammy’s honor would be amazing – it would be a very special way to remember him – thanks so much.
Don Stewart
Posted at 16:15h, 27 AugustWe enjoyed meeting Sammy and Bella on the occasions you brought them to our farm. We can plant a tree in his honour if you would like.
Wendy Molzahn
Posted at 14:41h, 23 AugustSammy, you were such a handsome boy…I am glad that your family have so many memories, to carry on your amazing g legacy.
You will be greatly missed and never forgotten.
I hope you are chasing squirrels and carrying you cute red ball. You deserve to run free and continue having fun. Sheppys are one of a special kind. You loved big and unconditional 🐿🌈🏏💙💙🐕. YOU ARE LOVED FOREVER!!
Posted at 22:03h, 22 AugustVery nice remembrance. Although we only knew Samson briefly, he was easy to warm up too. I loved his demeanour . He coat was so unique and soft.. I truly enjoyed having Sammy around.
Truly a wonderful companion.