22 Sep Oliver
This is all so fresh still, been only 4 days and it hurts. I could make a story about my Oliver. He loved being near me every minute of every day. He would wake me up with his sweet meows, they were more expressed as questions. “Meow” he would say, “mom when are you waking up to feed me.” He was always at the edge of the bathtub for my morning bath. Always tried to have a drink of the water, it was his thing. His thing was sleeping in the bathroom sink, or just at the foot of the bed at my feet. Always close, always part of my routine. He would sleep on his back most times, legs open, feeling free and relaxed, jaw open, sometimes a snore would come out of him. He loved. He just loved unconditionally and he has a piece of my heart forever. He was the perfect little boy and was 15 days away from his 2nd birthday. My bubba, I love you to death. I think of you always and forever.
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