There are some people who have never actually had the gift of loving an animal like I loved my girl Misty. I never searched for her. We found each other. She was a beautiful black lab with a brilliant white star on her chest and for 12 years almost to the day we loved each other as only best friends can.
I told her all my secrets and she never once betrayed my trust. It’s been 9 months since she had to leave me and I miss her still every day. The compassion and respect I received when I took her to Okanagan Pet Crematorium was amazing. It really was the only reason I was even able to leave her with strangers. I know in my heart they handled her as if she was their beloved pet.
Last week once again I had to take a loved one Bella my daughter’s 6 year old Boston terrier who has lost her life at such a young age and left us all in tears. Once again I was met at my vehicle with sincerity and compassion. These people know she wasn’t “just a dog” that in fact she was a member of my daughter’s family and mine.
They know she was loved and cherished and that now her absence leaves a hole in all our lives that is filled with tears and pain. Once again I trusted these people to be there when we needed them even on Mothers days. RIP our girls we loved you from the moment we first saw you and we loved you till the end…
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