04 Apr Meka
MAY 30,2012 – MARCH 17 2024
From the beginning, Meka stole our hearts. Her personality brought us so much laughter, happiness, and joy to our home. She was so intelligent that no dog puzzle was a challenge and she even learned to say ‘I love you!’
Meka loved spending her time going on adventures, taking naps in the sunshine, playing find it, fresh veggies from the garden, pup cups from Starbucks, giving kisses and just being with her people. Especially her Grandpaw and his homemade treats with extra peanut butter.
Most importantly, Meka was a great companion. She was always loyal and showed us unconditional love, even on her bad days when she wasn’t feeling well. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to share her life with her. Her absence will be deeply felt and her memory will live on forever. Remember to give your pup extra cuddles today and every day!
Until we meet again, my sweet girl ❤❤❤
Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.
– -Anatole Frances
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