19 Sep Maverick (Mavy)
Little Mavy was truly one of a kind. An amazing little dog who was part of everything we did. He could say “I love you” and would always greet us with his enthusiasm and a smile. An entertainer who loved to show off with all his tricks. A fluffy ball of fur with utmost personality and charm.
Dear sweet Mavy; We miss you so, forever in our hearts, till we meet again. We love you.
Ryan and Carole
Posted at 21:10h, 20 SeptemberOh Carole, I am so sorry for your loss. Hearing of Mavericks passing makes me sad.
Our fury babies may be small but they have a huge presence in our homes and especially in our hearts. Mavy was an adorable little dog.
Clio sends an “I love you” to you Ryan and Maverick. ❤️
Carole Gabert
Posted at 10:47h, 25 SeptemberHi France , Dave and Clio……..Thanks so much for your kind thoughts and words. And the “I Love You” from Clio. It was because of her that Mavy learned to say I love You . We miss little Mavy so very much, however we knew he could not go on any longer.
Mavy had been in the clinic for a week, they tried to cleanse his kidneys again ( as they did successfully last fall) but this time he was in kidney failure. He will live forever in our thoughts and hearts.
Tracey Gabert
Posted at 09:14h, 20 SeptemberMavy was always so excited to greet quests to his home and to show them his tricks (for treats of course:). He was always so excited when he knew someone was coming! He loved people and connected to them deeply which made him an extraordinary family pet and companion. We always said he was a little human in a fluffy body. We are blessed he choose us to be “his humans”. Mavy, you will be remembered always!
Brian McOnie
Posted at 09:04h, 20 SeptemberDear Carole and Ryan – We will miss seeing Mavy at Creekside Animal Clinic – he was a wonderful patient and you offered him every opportunity to thrive. I have no doubt your fond memories of Maverick are many and enduring. With our sincere condolences, and on behalf of the team at Creekside, -Brian-
Francelyn Bey
Posted at 08:33h, 20 Septemberthinking of you
Francelyn Bey
Posted at 08:28h, 20 SeptemberBill and Francelyn
Jo Ann Van Amsterdam
Posted at 08:25h, 20 SeptemberMavy, thanks for the nice walks in Arizona and for your love. So glad I saw you in June 2016, you left me with a wonderful memory of you. Keep Quincy company till we meet again. Love Jo Ann
Carole Gabert
Posted at 13:56h, 26 SeptemberJo Ann, ….Mavy would say it was his pleasure to know you. This little guy had lots of love to give.
I’m sure he and Quincy are running and playing. Check out a writing called” Rainbow Bridge” by an
unknown author. Truly amazing.
Leanne Nicholson
Posted at 08:03h, 20 SeptemberWhat a great tribute to Maverick. Ryan and Carole, you can be rest assured you gave “Mavy” the best life he could ever dreamed of.
Carole Gabert
Posted at 14:04h, 26 SeptemberThanks again Leanne for your support.
Francelyn Bey
Posted at 07:48h, 20 SeptemberOh, little guy…you are missed and were so loved!
Dear Ryan and Carol; your hearts are broken, your days are lost and lonely without sweet Mavy. What a beautiful photo of him!
May you find peace and comfort soon as you have his memories held close.
Thinking of you, sending our warm love and comforting thoughts.
love, Bill and Francelyn. xo
Carole Gabert
Posted at 14:08h, 26 SeptemberFrancelyn and Bill…..Your support with the loss of our sweet boy has been a God Send. Ryan and I so appreciate all of your thoughtful and meaningful emails over the past month. Look forward to seeing you .
Pat and Jenny
Posted at 06:44h, 20 SeptemberWhat an adorable picture of Mavy…….we were fortunate to have spent time with him and heard him say ‘ I love you’ You could see he adored you as much as you both adored him. His time on earth was definitely a very privileged and happy time travelling with you everywhere you went and he was the kind of dog that left an impression on everyone who met him. Will miss seeing him in the park.
We know what it’s like to lose a family pet and so we can relate to the sadness and emptiness you must be feeling. The positive side is you had Mavy to love and enjoy for many years and now you have those precious memories to hold on to. He’s resting in peace in doggie heaven.
Sorry for your loss.
Carole Gabert
Posted at 13:51h, 26 SeptemberPat and Jenny,
Thanks so much for your kind words about Mavy. and your condolences. Having many friends who also loved Mavy will help in our healing.
Posted at 05:30h, 20 SeptemberMavy, was a sweet boy, full of love and life! I knew him from a puppy and loved his spirit! Run free sweet boy!
Carole Gabert
Posted at 14:01h, 26 SeptemberToby , thanks for your kind thoughts about Mavy. I’m sure our sweet boys spirit is running free.
Posted at 22:03h, 19 SeptemberMavy was a sweetheart!!! I am so happy that he was part of my life. I feel your pain.
Love Helen xxxx
Carole Gabert
Posted at 14:14h, 26 SeptemberThanks Helen for your kind support during this sad time of our lives. Being able to chat about Mavy and cry together helps in the healing process. I know Maverick also has a spot in your heart.