27 Mar Link
It is from the brokenness that used to be my chest and a shattered heart that I must inform I was forced into euthanizing my darling boy. Link was a completely healthy 9-year-old Silver Labrador but was suddenly diagnosed with an unusual central & peripheral nervous system disorder, affecting his limbs. This was the cause of a seizure he had a month ago.
I was under the impression he had made a full recovery, only to be blindsided by this horrible and unpredictable disorder 3 weeks later. Given the vet’s advice and what I know about the prognosis, I knew I couldn’t keep him alive for simply giving him existence and no longer life enrichment. Even under the best circumstances and the best hospitalized care, the inevitable decision could only have been delayed. My only regret is that in the past couple of days, Link knew what it was like to be unable to walk and swim and had to be carried and pulled around on a blanket because he suddenly had no control over his limbs. Besides the day before his euthanization, he never suffered, and I let him go before life got too dark.
Link saved me from heartbreak years ago when he immediately became the love of my life and he definitely lived up to and exceeded his symbolic name, my “link” to happiness. He had always possessed honor, even in his final days. I owed him the type of death that matched his valiant life. So as much as it hurt, as much as I wasn’t prepared to lose him, as much as I wanted a few extra months with him, as much as I wanted to take him swimming one last time, as much as I wanted to take his place, I gave him one last merciful gift of dying with dignity, at home, surrounded by all of the things he loved most.
I’m at peace knowing that I was able to spend his last days close by his side, keeping him calm and comfortable, saying our goodbyes and making good on my promise to him many years ago of moving to the Okanagan so he could live his days out in our most cherished and favorite place.
Momma loves you handsome boy! xoxoxox
Sandra Thurber
Posted at 17:45h, 31 MarchSo sorry for your loss Jen Link was a wonderful dog I remember when you got him and I thought to myself girl you are crazy and maybe a bit senile he was a hand full but I knew he was going to be good for you finally you had someone you could love unconditionally and he loved you thinking of you sandra