


Dear Dallas,

Today is the worst day of my life. Losing you will leave an everlasting aching hole in my heart. I’m so blessed to have had you for your 14 years of your life. You were my first dog and probably my last. You cannot be replaced. You have been with me by my side during dark times and a toxic relationship. With me when I met my future husband. With me while we grew our family. I will miss everything about you. Even your room clearing farts and your snoring that could keep me up all night. I’m sorry you got sick. I’m sorry you were ever in pain. I’m sorry that this couldn’t happen in the comfort of your own home. But we were there for you until your last peaceful breath. You were so cherished. You didn’t deserve to get sick and for it to happen like this. Despite all this I’m glad you still knew me and trusting me through dementia and losing your hearing and sight. Thank you for being my best friend and our guardian. You will never be forgotten. You were a very good boy. I love you.

Dallas: 2006-2020

  • H Scanlon
    Posted at 13:19h, 02 July Reply

    Forever loved…..love Nana and Papa

    • Kevin
      Posted at 10:26h, 03 July Reply

      You will be so missed. Your lap dog on the couch cuddles, you excellent removal of food on the floor technics and so much more. Gone but so not forgotten.

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