04 Jul Chevy
April 27, 2019
Chevy Boy, we are missing you so much. You’ve been with our family for a little over 18 years. Your doctor called you a miracle kitty who defied the odds, and you were definitely that! You were a tough little fighter and stayed with us longer than we ever expected, living life and being yourself, even though you had some chronic health issues during the last couple of years.
I will always miss your handsome little face, my boy, and your being a furry little shawl around my neck. Love to all our fur babies at the Rainbow Bridge xo.
Miss you so much Bud!
Leone T
Posted at 15:49h, 31 OctoberWhat a handsome boy! My husband & I just lost our 17 year 7 month & 16 day old boy on October 17th. After so much time its hard to believe they are no longer around. Sending our sympathies & best wishes to you 🙂