Brewster (Bruce) Breyer Sully Rozka left this world with a piece of his family’s heart on Sunday, January 17th 2015. He bravely battled cancer during his 12th year on this earth, but enjoyed an incredibly happy and fulfilling life up until the bitter end.
He spent his puppyhood in Alberta where he wrangled the bunny farm, protected the property from porcupines, hunted gophers and went on countless river walks during the winter months. Later in life, Brewster moved to BC with his family where he enjoyed swimming in the lake, going on walks, stealing baked goods, playing with his best friend Howard, and most importantly, spending time with the family who loved (and will always love) him very much.
In his final days, Brewster found solace listening to music and laying outside on freshly fallen snow. Much as the snow that he loved so dearly melts and cycles back into the world, Brewster too returns to Mother Nature, though his memory and spirit will stay with his family forever. Safe travels over the rainbow bridge, you incomparable companion, you will be greatly missed and eternally loved.
Vicky Josephson
Posted at 18:30h, 19 FebruaryThat is a beautiful acknowledgement to Brewster’s life. Brewster looks like he lived life to the fullest. One of his happy times was surely on that dock. Brewster was very lucky to have landed in you and your family’s guardianship and care. My thoughts and prayers are with you in your loss.