28 Jan Baby
With a lot of sadness we lost our baby girl January 25th/2020 due to cancer we never knew she had.
She was 10 years old.
She would play for hours.
She loved the water.
She loved her duck.
She loved her toys.
She loved her treat.
She was an amazing dog.
I got her at 6 weeks old.
She was very calm most of the time.
I thought there was more time.
I love you baby.
Posted at 06:23h, 25 JanuaryBaby was your everything your protrcter your child your friend your angel she will be with you forever in your heart she’s with you always everyday when you need her she’s there always she was in your dreams when you needed her she needed a hug
Posted at 18:18h, 28 JanuaryShe knows how much you loved her. And she wanted nothing else in life than to be yours .